born in northwestern Germany in a mixed family (one of the parents was either from the Soviets, or managed to cross the DDR border)
embraced around the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall
traveled around the former DDR for several years, trying to understand part of the cultural context, in which he was partly brought up and simply wondering what was behind the wall, and met Thea there in the late 90s - early 00s
currently works with Thea on their common project, helping mostly newly embraced vampires
sometimes his observation skills become his own enemy because of the clan curse
episodically experiences something, what has possibly happened in the past in the place, where he is at that moment
these visions with varying success may actually show events of the past
only with a great difficulty can distinguish these visions from what is really happening to him
one of the reasons for taking many notes: fighting the fear of mixing memories from the reality with the (possibly false) memories from the visions and an attempt to figure out how the occurrence of visions could be tracked